1.從下載中心下載最新韌體。 2.解壓縮您下載的檔案 3.開啟 Cudy 設備電源,等待 LED 常亮。 4.透過 WiFi 或乙太網路連接到 Cudy 的網路。 5.開啟網頁瀏覽器並造訪http://cudy.net或http:// . 有關詳細信息,請參閱如何登入Cudy Router的Web介面? 6.升級韌體。 a。 進階設定 ->韌體,選擇您解壓縮後上傳的韌體。 b。 常規設定->韌體頁面可以進行線上升級和本地更新。 注意:僅韌體 2.x.x 或更高版本支援。 7.等待5分鐘路由器重啟。
65 則留言
Ho modem cudy f315… Dopo aver aggiornato farware il modem si è riavviato ma non si accende più cosa posso fare?
Necesito el último firmware para cudy lt500 EU v1.
No aparece en vuestra página de descarga.
Donde lo descargo?
The firmware has been sent you via email. Please check.
“I have LT400 EU V1.0. Is this the last firmaware available: 1.3.1-20200916-090443? If no, can you send me the lastest version?”
I have LT400 EU V1.0. Is this the last firmaware available: 1.3.1-20200916-090443? If no, can you send me the lastest version?
The latest firmware of your router has been sent to you via email.
“Hello, no more firmware download for Lt400 v1 ? was the last firmware retired?”