Jak skonfigurować sieć gościnną na routerze Cudy?

W tym artykule dowiesz się, jak otworzyć dodatkową sieć Wi-Fi dla swoich gości. Zapewni jedynie połączenie z Internetem i to niezależnie od sieci głównej. Na przykład po podłączeniu do sieci gościnnej urządzenie nie może uzyskać dostępu do sieci lokalnej, nie może zalogować się do interfejsu internetowego itp.

Uwaga: Sieć dla gości nie jest dostępna w trybie punktu dostępu.

Krok 1 : Otwórz przeglądarkę internetową i przejdź do http://cudy.net lub .

Aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje, zobacz Jak zalogować się do interfejsu internetowego Cudy Router?

Krok 2: Przejdź do Ustawień zaawansowanych -> Sieć dla gości .

Krok 3: Utwórz sieć gościnną 2,4 GHz lub 5 GHz zgodnie ze swoimi potrzebami.

Domyślną siecią dla gości jest otwarta sieć Wi-Fi o nazwie „Cudy-Guest-2.4G” lub „Cudy-Guest-5G”.

Krok 4: Ustaw szyfrowanie na tryb mieszany WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK , a następnie ustaw łatwe do zapamiętania hasło.

Krok 5: „Zapisz i zastosuj” ustawienia. Teraz możesz uzyskać dostęp do sieci dla gości przy użyciu ustawionego identyfikatora SSID i hasła.

Nie włączaj sieci ukrytej, chyba że chcesz ręcznie wprowadzić ten identyfikator SSID w celu uzyskania dostępu do Wi-Fi.

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Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Sorry to tell you that the guest network is forbidden to access the devices in the main subnet. So you can’t access these devices from the internet. But We will provide your feedback to the product department for evaluation to make a change.

“Is there a way to access servers in the “main ip-space” from the guest network?

- Device gets a public IP-address from ISP
- Trying to access servers (through port forwarding) using the IP above from guest network seems to fail
- Trying to access servers IP (on the “main IP space”) also fails. But this is of course expected so no problems here.

My case: I have kind of home automation systems running on a device connected to Cudy. These allow remote control using port forwarding. This remote control works if accessing them outside the guest network. In my case these services can be reached using cellular connection on a phone but not from guest network. It’s kind of funny that these can be reached from about anywhere in the internet except the guest network.
In ASUS-routers I have used this works (local devices can be accessed from guest network using public IP from ISP).
Device in question: Cudy P5 AX3000"

Support Cudy

Is there a way to access servers in the “main ip-space” from the guest network?

- Device gets a public IP-address from ISP
- Trying to access servers (through port forwarding) using the IP above from guest network seems to fail
- Trying to access servers IP (on the “main IP space”) also fails. But this is of course expected so no problems here.

My case: I have kind of home automation systems running on a device connected to Cudy. These allow remote control using port forwarding. This remote control works if accessing them outside the guest network. In my case these services can be reached using cellular connection on a phone but not from guest network. It’s kind of funny that these can be reached from about anywhere in the internet except the guest network.
In ASUS-routers I have used this works (local devices can be accessed from guest network using public IP from ISP).
Device in question: Cudy P5 AX3000


@Yaniv N,
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
For now, Cudy router doesn’t support the feature you mentioned. We will provide your feedback to the product department for evaluation.

“Why can’t I set up a guest network with the same IP address as the regular network? Or would there be an option to at least choose a different IP?
Or would there be an option to isolate it from the network and the computers wouldn’t see it on the network

And why isn’t there an option to set up an IoT network? Or would there be such a network built in, competitors have it, the disadvantage is that it doesn’t exist, it’s very convenient."

Support Cudy

Why can’t I set up a guest network with the same IP address as the regular network? Or would there be an option to at least choose a different IP?
Or would there be an option to isolate it from the network and the computers wouldn’t see it on the network

And why isn’t there an option to set up an IoT network? Or would there be such a network built in, competitors have it, the disadvantage is that it doesn’t exist, it’s very convenient.

Yaniv N

Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
We have plan to add this function in near future. Our R&D team are working on this. Please wait patiently.

“Hi, Is there any ongoing work for guest wifi in AP mode for M1800 devices?”

Support Cudy

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