3. 关闭路由器。拔下电源适配器或按下电源按钮。
4. 使用以太网电缆将您的计算机连接到路由器的 LAN 端口。
6. 运行‘ tftp32.exe ’。
7、在命令行中运行“ netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off ”禁用Windows防火墙,否则tftp将被阻止。
8. 按住“重置”按钮/孔。在路由器通电前和 tftp 开始下载固件前,请勿松开“重置”按钮/孔。
9. 打开路由器电源。
10. 当灯全部快速闪烁时,或者当 tftp 开始下载固件时,您可以松开“重置”按钮/孔。
15 条评论
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“Please, contact me. I did all the steps and was unable to repair my Cudy wr1300. It’s seems that the firmware was successfully installed on the router but this did not change anything. I still have not gotten an IP address”
Please, contact me. I did all the steps and was unable to repair my Cudy wr1300. It’s seems that the firmware was successfully installed on the router but this did not change anything. I still have not gotten an IP address
Hi. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any email.
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team.
Our technical support has contacted you via email. Please check.
“Hi, why I couldn’t download any files? got 404”
Hi, why I couldn’t download any files? got 404