端口转发(Port forwarding)功能允许互联网上的远程计算机连接到私有局域网内的特定计算机或服务。
确保 Cudy 路由器从您的互联网服务提供商处获取公共 IP(WAN IP),如果它是私有 IP 地址,则意味着 Cudy 前面有另一个 NAT 设备。您还需要在该设备上打开服务端口。
如何查看 Cudy 的 WAN IP?
4/5 路由器(系统状态->蜂窝/4G->状态)
1. 通常,如果公用 IP 和 IP 地址相同,则表示您拥有公用 IP。IP 地址是您从 Internet 服务提供商处获得的 WAN IP 地址。上面的公用 IP 是其他设备可以通过 Internet 找到您的 IP 地址。因此,如果 Cudy 路由器获得私有 IP 地址,您需要找出哪个设备使用此公用 IP 并在其上打开端口。
2. 对于大多数蜂窝路由器,互联网服务提供商通常会提供私有 IP 地址。因此,如果您想进行端口转发,请联系您的互联网服务提供商为您分配一个公共 IP 地址或由他们进行端口转发。
步骤 1 :打开网络浏览器并转到http://cudy.net或http:// 。
第 2 步:单击网络部分中的高级设置 -> 端口转发。
步骤 3:单击“添加”将一个条目添加到列表中。在以下字段中输入所需的参数。
例如:根据以下配置,主机 的 TCP 端口 5000、UDP 端口 5001 和 TCP/UDP 端口 6000 将向 Internet 开放。
WAN 侧可从互联网访问的服务端口
内部 IP 地址:
主机的 IP 地址,将向互联网开放端口
步骤 4 :单击“保存并应用”以保存设置。
12 条评论
Dear Customer,
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.
“I have WR3000 and I tried to open FTP (active) ports to my NAS. My ISP blocks ports 20-21 so I defined in port forward extrenal ports as 2020-2021 and internal ports as 20-21, but I can’t connect to my NAS! Whats wrong? Same kind of configuration worked fine with my previous mesh network (Netgear Orbi).
NAS does not allow changing ftp ports, so router must do port forward (both directions)
NAS is connected to agent, but this can’t be issue?
I have tried with enabled & disables ALG ftp, but it doesn’t help.”
I have an issue with setting port forwarding on LT700e.
It is supposed to be able to forward ports on VPN interface as well, but it does not work, ports are not forwarded correctly (they do not seems to be opened at all)
The purpose is to allow connecting to local service from other client in same VPN network.
VPN network itself seems to work fine.
Could you please advice?
I have WR3000 and I tried to open FTP (active) ports to my NAS. My ISP blocks ports 20-21 so I defined in port forward extrenal ports as 2020-2021 and internal ports as 20-21, but I can’t connect to my NAS! Whats wrong? Same kind of configuration worked fine with my previous mesh network (Netgear Orbi).
NAS does not allow changing ftp ports, so router must do port forward (both directions)
NAS is connected to agent, but this can’t be issue?
I have tried with enabled & disables ALG ftp, but it doesn’t help.
Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check. You can try to set the IP address of the XBOX to be the DMZ IP address and check if the problem fixed?
“Just setting up Cudy router for home but when I connect the Xbox it says double nat detected. How do I configure the router to stop that please ? Thank you”
Just setting up Cudy router for home but when I connect the Xbox it says double nat detected. How do I configure the router to stop that please ? Thank you