MAC Filter is a technology used in wireless routers to prevent unauthorized access to networks. The MAC Address is a unique identifier that is assigned to each device on a network. A wireless router uses a MAC Address to identify the device and determine which network it should connect to.
Step 1: Open a web browser and go to or
For details, please refer to How to log into the web interface of Cudy Router?
Step 2: Click Advanced Settings -> MAC Filter in the Security section.

Step 3: Check settings in MAC Filter page.

• To block the specific device(s)
1. Select 'Allow all except list'.
2. Select the device(s) to be blocked in the online device list regarding the MAC Address and IP Address.

If the online device you want to block is not there, go to System Status->Devices->copy the MAC Address->go back to MAC Filter->Custom and paste MAC Address.

3. Save & Apply and the device selected will not be able to get internet from the router anymore.
• To allow the specific device(s)
1. Select 'Allow list only'.
2. Select the device(s) you allow getting internet.

3. Save & Apply and only the devices(s) selected can get internet access.
Here is a simple way can do the same as MAC Filter.
Enable and disable the Internet icon to control the internet access of each device.
'OPPO-Reno5-5G' cannot get internet via the router below.

Click on the Operation icon can specify a new name for the device.

Time restriction of internet access
The time period that devices are allowed to access the Internet.
Example: The 'Computer' device is only allowed to enjoy the internet on Monday from 10 am to 8 pm.