How to Recovery the Cudy Router From OpenWRT Firmware to Cudy Official Firmware?

1. Download and unzip the file from here


2. Download the latest firmware from the official website and rename it to 'recovery.bin'. 

3. Power off your Router. Unplug the power adapter or press the POWER button.

4. Connect your computer the Router's LAN port with an Ethernet cable.

5. Configure your computer's IP address to be '' manually. 

6. Run 'tftp32.exe'.

7. Run 'netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off' in the command line to disable Windows firewall, otherwise tftp will be blocked.

8. Press the 'Reset' button/hole and hold it. Before the Router is powered on and before tftp start to download the firmware, don't release the 'Reset' button/hole. 

9. Power on the Router. 

10. When the Lights are all flashing fast, or when tftp start to download the firmware, you can release the 'Reset' button/hole.

11. When the light flashes slowly, the upgrade is complete.

12. Please recover your computer's IP address to be dynamic IP. 

13. Done.

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I recently bought a 3-pack M1800 Mesh set. I wanted try OpenWRT and flashed the firmware on all 3 M1800 units. It worked fine. I followed your instructions to return to Cudy’s firmware, i.e. to go from OpenWRT Firmware back to Cudy’s Official Firmware.

However, after successfully flashing Cudy’s newest official firmware for the M1800 v2 (M1800V2-R28-2.1.3-20240509-102323), I get an “invalid board info!” error at the device login page ( where one needs to create a new admin password. The website-header also reads a strange “lede” title.
I also tried an older firmware version available on Cudy’s website (M1800V2-R28-1.16.14-20231117-190903), but unfortunately receive the same error. After trying to flash a second M1800 mesh unit, the unit also stared giving the same error. I even tried to flash OpenWRT back onto one of the units, but now it does not want to accept the OpenWRT firmware.

What does the “Invalid board info!” error mean and how can it be fixed?


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Gracias por contactar con el equipo de apoyo de cudy.
Nuestro soporte técnico le ha enviado la solución por correo electrónico. Por favor, compruebe.

“He intentado este proceso en un router TR1200 sin éxito, los links en esta entrada llevan a un error 404 Not Found, hay alguna configuración especial en el tftpd32 para el tr1200? el firmware debe ser el último de Cudy o que versión? al seguir los pasos no tengo respuesta en el tftpd32 y el router sigue parpadeando rapidamente,
que version de windows es mas recomendable usar?”

Cudy support

He intentado este proceso en un router TR1200 sin éxito, los links en esta entrada llevan a un error 404 Not Found, hay alguna configuración especial en el tftpd32 para el tr1200? el firmware debe ser el último de Cudy o que versión? al seguir los pasos no tengo respuesta en el tftpd32 y el router sigue parpadeando rapidamente,
que version de windows es mas recomendable usar?


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