What's TTL?
TTL ("Time to Live") refers to the amount of time or "hops" that a packet is set to exist inside a network before being disregarded by a router.
How does TTL work?
When a packet of information is created and sent out across the Internet, there is a risk that it will continue to pass from router to router indefinitely. To mitigate this possibility, packets are designed with an expiration called a time-to-live (IPV4) or hop limit (IPV6). Every time a router receives a packet, it subtracts one from the TTL count and then passes it onto the next location in the network. If at any point, the TTL count is equal to zero after the subtraction, the router will discard the packet and send an ICMP message back to the originating host.
Why do we need to customize TTL?
To avoid repeated sharing, some carriers require a particular TTL. Setting a custom TTL value on your LTE router may increase your internet speed in certain situations, however most carriers do not accept these changes. This article will guide to set TTL custom settings in Cudy routers.
Step 1: Open a web browser and go to http://cudy.net or
For details, please refer to How to log into the web interface of Cudy Router?
Step 2: Click Advanced Settings->TTL.
Step 3: In Override TTL, select "Custom" and set the particular number you need.
If you have the IPV6 connection, you will see the box below.
Extend the TTL Value: Extended cache time. When the TTL is reduced to 0, the router does not drop the packet.
Spoof LAN TTL Value: Overwrite outgoing packets TTL to the router default 64, making it look like there was no hop before hitting the ISP.
Note: For some carriers, they will require the particular TTL and HL for internet connection. For example:
Visible (North American) needs TTL to 64 and HL to 65.
Verizon (North American) uses TTL 64.
Step 4: Save and apply the settings.