註:本文適用於 LT400 V2、LT450、LT500 和LT500D V2 僅在歐洲商店銷售。 Cudy 路由器存取互聯網,儘管他們的SIM 卡正常運作且APN 設定準確。
第 1 步:將路由器更新到最新韌體版本。 如果韌體已經是最新版本。您可以跳過此步驟。如果沒有,請下載並解壓縮官方韌體。
開啟網頁瀏覽器並造訪http://cudy.net或http://,然後登入。 href="/zh-tw/blogs/faq/how-to-log-into-the-web-interface-of-cudy-router">如何登入Cudy Router的Web介面?
在高級設定->韌體中升級韌體。 of-cudy-router">如何升級Cudy路由器的韌體?
第 2 步:若要下載並升級模組固件,請聯絡 support@cudy.com 取得升級韌體軟體。 同時,在診斷工具->診斷->GO->下載<中下載診斷bin文件/strong> 並將文件寄至支援人員。
第 3 步:在網址列中輸入下面的位址。依照影片所示升級韌體。
14 則留言
Dear Customer,
Thank you for contacting Cudy support team. Our technical support has sent you the solutions via email. Please check.
“My LT400 V2 router has suddenly stopped working without being bumped or turned off. Diagnosis returns me “4G has obtained the IP address but cannot access the Internet” and “DNS is abnormal”. I have tried resetting it, firmware upgrade and contacting you via email but no results. It never gave me any problems before but now it is unusable.”
Finding that my LT500 Download speed has dropped between 6.15 – 7.7Mbps where my Phone having the same SIM is hitting 128Mbps and they are next to each other. tried to update the firmware but cant seem to bump the number.
Firmware Version: 2.1.1-20240419-090237
Hardware: LT500 V2.0
My LT400 V2 router has suddenly stopped working without being bumped or turned off. Diagnosis returns me “4G has obtained the IP address but cannot access the Internet” and “DNS is abnormal”. I have tried resetting it, firmware upgrade and contacting you via email but no results. It never gave me any problems before but now it is unusable.
Dear Customer,
Our technical support has contacted you via email. Please check.
“This router leaves a lot to be desired in terms of initial set up, I have set up many routers , I have to say this one is the worst. All SIMs tested were good, good signal etc. Still a pig to set up and get connected. The mesh function should disable all together, there are no instructions on the external antenna options, and which connector to use etc. The firmware upgrade function can be set to automatic, but if you want to do it manually you have to ask support for it ,, WTF,, I am thinking in returning this unit, no time for this BS, sorry , no mater what I try,, NO FRIGGING CONNECTION ,,,, switching back to TP LINK”
This router leaves a lot to be desired in terms of initial set up, I have set up many routers , I have to say this one is the worst. All SIMs tested were good, good signal etc. Still a pig to set up and get connected. The mesh function should disable all together, there are no instructions on the external antenna options, and which connector to use etc. The firmware upgrade function can be set to automatic, but if you want to do it manually you have to ask support for it ,, WTF,, I am thinking in returning this unit, no time for this BS, sorry , no mater what I try,, NO FRIGGING CONNECTION ,,,, switching back to TP LINK